It all started with a spark—a shared love for stained glass passed down from one generation to the next. For Jordan, that love began with her mother, Julie Gill, who spent over 15 years lighting up the community of Huntsville, Alabama, through her studio, Big Glass Art. Growing up watching her mom craft breathtaking, one-of-a-kind pieces that captured sunlight and imagination alike, Jordan found herself slowly drawn into the world of stained glass.

Meanwhile, I was busy doing what many of us do—finding my way in life, trying new things, and supporting my wife’s passion from the sidelines. But as life often does, it pulled me into something unexpected and beautiful. After spending time in Julie’s studio and seeing the magic unfold with my own eyes, I knew I was hooked. This wasn’t just art; this was storytelling in glass.

And so, in 2016, Jordan and I took a leap of faith. We moved to Colorado, carrying not only our love for stained glass but also Julie’s legacy with us. We started small, teaching stained glass classes in borrowed spaces, but the Colorado Springs community quickly showed us that what we had was special. Within months, the support was overwhelming. Students filled every seat, eager to learn the same timeless techniques that Tiffany & Co. had made famous generations ago.

It wasn’t just about the art. It was about the people we met along the way—those who came to a class to try something new and left as friends. It was about sharing a passion for an age-old craft, but even more so, about creating a space where people felt they could belong. Whether you were here to make a simple sun catcher or to dive into a masterclass, Little Glass Art became more than just a business. It became a home for creativity, for laughter, for those moments of quiet satisfaction when you step back and admire something you made with your own two hands.

In 2019, Julie decided to retire, leaving behind a legacy that shaped not just our business but our entire lives. We are forever grateful for her guidance, and though she stepped back from the glasswork, she never stopped cheering us on—and still jumps in to help when we call on her. That’s the beauty of family, after all. You carry each other’s dreams forward, generation by generation.

As Little Glass Art grew, so did our family. In March of 2022, we welcomed our beautiful daughter, Jessa Ann, into the world. Becoming parents has been life-changing in the best possible way. Jessa is our greatest gift, and with her arrival came a new perspective on balance, gratitude, and love. We’ve learned how to grow our business while cherishing the precious moments with her—and we couldn’t have done that without our incredible team.

One person who has made all the difference is Paola Cardenas. She joined our team and, without a doubt, changed both our lives and our business for the better. Paola has become so much more than just a team member—she’s a trusted friend, a fellow artist, and someone we can always count on. Whether we need to step away to care for Jessa or simply take a moment to breathe, Paola has our backs. Watching her grow as both a human and a glass artist has been one of the most rewarding parts of our journey, and we are eternally grateful for her dedication, heart, and skill.

Another pivotal person on our team is Mani Ashkenazy, who joined as my assistant during a time when we were helping Transforming Creatives continue their legacy. What started as a temporary role quickly turned into something much bigger. Mani has not only taken on the challenge of helping with our online presence and social media, but she’s also become an invaluable part of creating our beautiful artwork. We can’t wait to see her artistic skills flourish as she continues to grow with us. Her passion and energy have added so much to our team, and we are lucky to have her with us on this journey.

As Little Glass Art continues to expand, we’re constantly reminded of the love and support that surrounds us—from our talented team to the communities of Colorado Springs and Denver that have been by our side since the beginning. There have been challenges, of course. Every small business has its moments of doubt, of struggle, and there were times we wondered if we were doing the right thing. Finding a new building to call our own has been a recent hurdle, but through it all, the community has been our backbone. They believed in us when we were just a husband and wife teaching part-time. They trusted us when we decided to go all in, and they have never stopped showing up.

We owe everything to the people who have walked into our studio—some who came just once and others who have been with us from the beginning. Every piece of art we create, every class we teach, it’s all built on the foundation of their support. To those who have taken a class, shared a post, or brought a friend along—thank you. You are the reason Little Glass Art exists. You are the reason we wake up each morning, grateful to do what we love.

There is a kind of magic in stained glass. It catches the light, bending it, reflecting it, and changing it with every passing hour of the day. In a way, that’s what this journey has been for us. A mosaic of people, moments, and memories, constantly evolving, always beautiful. And every piece of that mosaic is a story—yours, ours, and the generations that came before.

Thank you for letting us live our dream. Thank you for allowing us to carry this legacy forward, for being part of our family, and for making Little Glass Art more than we ever could have imagined. We promise to keep sharing the beauty, one piece of glass at a time.

With heartfelt gratitude, written by Justin—thank you all for being part of our journey.